Wednesday, September 24, 2008


You got it ... a T-R-A-C-T-O-R ... Jim is so excited and loves it. Guess I can't get him that tee-shirt for Christmas that says "Where's my tractor?" LOL Things will be so much easier around the place now.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Just as Important ...

... Lady's grooming was addressed today also. The sun had done a number on her mane and tail - so we freshened them up - course there isn't much we could do about the body color now but clip her - you can really see her spots! She is mostly buckskin not white much to our surprise. She is now protected with slinky's from head to tail :) and looks like a little silver medieval horse! LOL She is pretty much set for AMHA WORLD - hope to see you there!!!

All Hooked Up!!!

Today was Bambi's first lesson under cart for driving and it went excellently. She took to it very well only giving a slight bucking a couple of times. Our trainer, Bethany Franke of the Circle K Miniatures, said we will do this several times - where we work with her walking beside her before actually getting into the cart. It is very important to have great control over her before mounting the cart as you don't have the leverage once sitting in the cart as you do standing on the ground. But I don't think we are going to have much trouble with her in that regards since she has taken to this so well but of course we will work hard to be sure that she is safe as well as us - after all one day we will be taking precious cargo onboard -- our grandkids!!!

Monday, September 15, 2008


This is it guys/gals!!! World is here and we have been working hard and preparing Lady to go! Hopefully we will have photo's of her to post next weekend as she goes to get all prettied up for it!!! Papa Jim will show Lady early on Friday morning - October 3rd - if you can be there to cheer them on we'd love it ... otherwise I'll be posting pictures after the event. We will be at the show from Wed, Oct 1 through probably Sun, Oct 5th the final day. If any of the grandkids want to go (like Emily went with me last year) let us know and we will see what can be worked out. Thurs & Fri nights we will actually be staying in a hotel over in Ft Worth to be nearby. Let us know if you want to meet up with us.