Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Did I leave us out???

Ghee, I can't believe I left us out of the show results from Tyler!!!
Jim showed and Lady in Jr Mare and Dede in Sr. Mare twice each (once Open and once Amateur) and then we both showed them in multi color.  We did pretty good and Dede actually brought home a first place ribbon!  It was with me and my first time to show so naturally I was excited - okay so I teared up.  :)

Another delight to us!!!

Little Miss Gracie :) Her presence is sure to put a smile on your face. She is only three but such a big helper - if she keeps this great attitude she is sure to excel in life. We are so glad we have such great neighbors with such wonderful and loving children. This week she came over and helped me and Ben with planting the last three trees ... and then she did a most precious thing - she said "Grammy, I have to pick some flowers for mama!" and off she went picking Indian Blankets that grow wild in our pasture. She was more than willing to share her discoveries with Dede and Lady and they were all to ready to see what she had to share. Gracie - you are a true blessing to your parents, us and all who know you.

ABBIE'S RIBBONS at her first Miniature Horse Show!

We were so proud of Abbie - she is a quick learner and is so willing. Her plans were to have a "big" horse but since being introduced to the mini's she has changed her mind - at least for now, so hopefully soon Abbie will have one of her very own. But back to the show in Tyler --- Abbie placed fourth showing Lady in Jr Mares and second showing Dede in Sr Mares. We still are working on getting the horses in better shape for show but they did pretty good ... and let me say again, "Abbie, you did great"! We are so excited about sharing this experience with you and your mom, Lisa. Next show coming up is in San Antonio. Wish her luck!!!!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Our New Novice

Our new neighbor, Abby, who is eight loves horses. She has volunteered to help in the barn several times and has taken to helping with the mini's. So much so that this Saturday she will go with us to our Tyler show and join in the youth competition showing both Dede and Lady! Below are some pictures of her working the mini's but of her playing and controlling the new addition to the barn. Abby is doing a wonderful job and is a quick learner. We are glad to have her to share the horses with. We may just have to adopt her! LOL